Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monitoring tool for hyblid cloud and automating - installing Hyclops for Zabbix (updated)

I used to write about how to install zabbix+hyclops to automatically register zabbix hosts on AWS EC2 instance before. Recently, I tried installing the latest version of zabbix-2.2.2 and hyclops-0.2.
In fact, it's not working as expected so far because it seems that hyclops.connector.ec2 (ec2.py) python script is not working correctly. I will update this article when finishing to fix the problem (asking the engineers who created hyclops to debug the issue currently).
After uninstalling apache-libcloud from 0.14.1 to 0.13.2, the issue has been resolved.
Ikeda-san, thanks for your quick feedback and support!

OS, Middle ware, Libraries
  • AMI ID (AWS EC2 Instance): ami-31e86030
  • OS: CentOS 6.5(x86_64)
  • Kernel: 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64
  • Apache: 2.2.15
  • MySQL: 5.6.16
  • PHP: 5.3.3
  • Zabbix: 2.2.2
  • Hyclops: 0.2.0
  • ZeroMQ: 3.2.2
  • GateOne: 1.1.1
  • Python: 2.7.5
  • Python Modules
    • apache-libcloud (0.14.1) (0.13.2)
    • boto (2.27.0)
    • configobj (5.0.2)
    • distribute (0.6.35)
    • hyclops (0.2.1)
    • ipython (1.2.1)
    • lockfile (0.9.1)
    • pip (1.5.4)
    • psphere (0.5.2)
    • python-daemon (1.6)
    • PyYAML (3.10)
    • pyzmq (14.1.1)
    • setuptools (0.6c11)
    • six (1.5.2)
    • suds (0.4)
    • tornado (2.4.1)
    • wsgiref (0.1.2)
    • zabbix-api (1.0)

Upgrade to CentOS-6.5 from 6.4

Libraries for Zabbix
Zabbix 2.2
Createing Zabbix schema
Python-2.7, Python packages
Python modules
Python module (apache-libcloud)
Make sure that apache-libcloud-0.13.2 should be compiled and installed from tar ball because it failed to install apache-libcloud-0.13.2 with python-2.7 via pip.
Replacing some Zabbix dashboard files
I changed the python script for get_aws_charges.py and push_message.py scripts are changed.
Importing Zabbix templates,scripts and globalmacro data
After creating value mappings and creating zabbix hosts on zaxbbix dashboard, I got the error message below in fact. I need to dive into the logging...
This issue has been solved by downgrading apache-libcloud from 0.14.1 to 0.13.2.
See zabbix_server.log to confirm the both python scripts are working to get aws charges and push messages.
See hyclops_server.log to confirm that polling and creating zabbix hosts have been successful.
* You need to change "log_level = DEBUG" on /opt/hyclops/hyclops.conf to debug.


  1. Good job. But its not working for me.
    I want to implement this so badly in my zabbix server.

    1. Hi, what's wrong with the zabbix server?
      Which function or part is not working at your environment?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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